“What They See Is What They’ll Be,” very succinctly expresses how our programmatic services rendered to disadvantaged, disenfranchised and low-income youth and families positively change their life trajectory.
Atlanta, GA
To provide direct input into the deliberations and developments of energy policies, regulations, emerging technologies, and environmental issues.
Washington, DC
The BBA is proud of its strategic alliances with Banks, Corporations, Community-based organizations, and most of all, with our African American business owners. We are the first stop for Diversity Supply Managers throughout the nation to identify African American and for Black women-owned business enterprises for contracting and procurement opportunities; and for promoting their respective supplier diversity outreach events.
Los Angeles, CA
Our vision is to make young people of color aware of the tremendous opportunities for growth in all aspects available in the food and beverage industry. By reducing the barriers to career advancement sustainable careers can be achieved while pushing the diversity and inclusion envelope further ahead, keeping in mind the rapidly changing demographics in and outside of the industry.
Enable all present and future Black employees in Local, State, and Federal governments to have the ability to maximize their career opportunities and provide a mechanism for inclusion, growth and advocacy.
Washington, D.C.
The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is an organization of journalists, students and media-related professionals that provides quality programs and services to and advocates on behalf of black journalists worldwide.
College Park, Maryland
As we build our strategic plan in alignment with the NMSDC value propositions, we will begin to advocate for minority business enterprises (MBEs) at both the national and local level. NMSDC principles, policies and programs represent best practices and offer important lessons for policymakers.
New York, NY
Since its inception, the organization has experienced explosive growth. Twenty chapters have been established nationwide in Atlanta, Charlotte/Raleigh NC, Chicago, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Indianapolis, Louisiana, New England, NJ/NY, Los Angeles, Las Vegas Nashville, Orlando, San Francisco, South Florida, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Washington DC/Baltimore.
Building 15, Suite 1510
Atlanta, GA
OBDÂ is a national professional organization of interior, industrial, architectural, fashion and graphic designers dedicated to promoting the visibility, empowerment, education and interaction of its membership and the understanding and value that diverse design perspectives contribute to world culture and commerce.
There is a vision... a vision of a future where there are unlimited opportunities for growth and leadership for blacks in the accounting and finance professions. As a nonprofit membership association, the National Association of Black Accountants, Inc., (NABA) is dedicated to bridging the opportunity gap for black accounting and finance professionals by providing leadership and technical training, as well as networking and career opportunities.
Greenbelt, Maryland