Founded in 1808, Abyssinian Baptist Church is one of the oldest African-American Baptist churches in the United States.
New York, NY
Historic Brown Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church is a Covenant body of baptized believers who faithfully follow the Spirit of the Son of God, who is Jesus the Christ, and the Word of God, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures, as we passionately, persistently, and progressively pursue and practice spiritual excellence in Worshipping Him, Witnessing to His Living Presence and Working for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done here on earth as it is in heaven until He returns.
Selma, AL
Ebenezer Baptist Church is an urban-based, global ministry dedicated to individual growth and social transformation through living in the message and carrying out the mission of Jesus Christ.
Atlanta GA
FAME Church, Los Angeles is the oldest church founded by African Americans in the City of Angels. In 1872 Ms. Biddy Mason received the vision from God to establish a church that would minister to the mind, body and soul of all who would join that small band of believers. That vision and small band of believers has grown to what is now a congregation of more than 19,000 members and several dozen ministries within 13 corporations that bless and reach tens of thousands of seekers in greater metropolitan Los Angeles.
Los Angeles, California
New Orleans, LA 70126
We, the pastor and people of the Mount, extend to you our warmest greetings in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We welcome you to browse our website. We pray you will find helpful information about our congregation and our Ministries for Mankind!
Austin, Texas
We are here for you!
Houston, TX