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    Rating (average)
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    Business Address
    15-17 W 18th St
    New York, NY
    Rating (average)
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    The National Black Golf Hall of Fame celebrates and honors exemplary achievements of Blacks in the golf industry. The organization also recognizes business and community leaders, regardless of race or ethnicity, who ensure Blacks are presented opportunities to participate in any facet of golf.

    Note: The PGA has over 29,000 members and less than 1% are Black.

    Business Website Address
    Business Phone Number
    Business Address
    1270 Caroline Street
    Suite D 120-431
    Atlanta, GA
    United Black Golfer’s Association
    Rating (average)
    Business Genre
    Business Description

    The United Black Golfers Association, Inc. is a Laurelton Queens-based Association, that was formed on March 3, 2014, as a 501(C)(3) not-for-profit corporation. The purpose of the association is to provide opportunities for golfers and individuals (men and women) who are interested in the game of golf, to meet and engage in activities that promote unity, and for personal growth and enrichment through the sport of golf.

    Business Website Address
    Business Phone Number
    (917) 300-8310
    Business Address
    PO Box 110417
    Cambria Heights, NY
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